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Install and upgrade


CodeGate is distributed as a Docker container. You need a container runtime like Docker Desktop or Docker Engine. Podman and Podman Desktop are also supported. Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems are all supported with x86_64 and arm64 (ARM and Apple Silicon) CPU architectures.

These instructions assume the docker CLI is available. If you use Podman, replace docker with podman in all commands.

Run CodeGate

CodeGate is primarily intended as a single-user system. There is no authentication when using the CodeGate API or the CodeGate web dashboard which are both operating over unencrypted HTTP. Hence all CodeGate components are supposed to bind to localhost ( and remain inaccessible from remote hosts.

If you are an advanced user who wants to run CodeGate on a remote host in a secured/local network, see Run CodeGate on a remote host.

To download and run CodeGate with the recommended configuration for full functionality:

docker run --name codegate -d -p 8989:8989 -p 9090:9090 -p 8990:8990 --mount type=volume,src=codegate_volume,dst=/app/codegate_volume --restart unless-stopped

Parameter reference:

  • --name codegate - give the container a friendly name for easy reference
  • -d - start in detached (background) mode
  • -p 8989:8989 - bind the CodeGate API to port 8989 on your host (required)
  • -p 9090:9090 - bind the CodeGate web dashboard to port 9090 on your host (recommended)
  • -p 8990:8990 - bind the CodeGate secure HTTP proxy to port 8990 on your host (required for Copilot)
  • --mount ... - mount a persistent Docker volume named codegate_volume to the required path in the container
  • --restart unless-stopped - restart CodeGate after a Docker or system restart, unless you manually stop it

More example run commands to run the container with the right parameters for your scenario are found below. To learn how to customize the CodeGate application settings, see Configure CodeGate


If you omit the persistent volume mount, your workspace configurations and prompt history are lost when you stop or restart CodeGate.

Alternative run commands

Run with minimal functionality for use with Continue, aider, or Cline (omits the HTTP proxy port needed by Copilot):

docker run --name codegate -d -p 8989:8989 -p 9090:9090 --mount type=volume,src=codegate_volume,dst=/app/codegate_volume --restart unless-stopped

Restrict ports: Docker publishes ports to all interfaces on your host by default. This example publishes only on your localhost interface:

docker run --name codegate -d -p -p -p --mount type=volume,src=codegate_volume,dst=/app/codegate_volume --restart unless-stopped

Install a specific version: starting with v0.1.4 you can optionally run a specific version of CodeGate using sematic version tags:

  • Patch version: (exact)
  • Minor version: (latest v0.1.x release)
  • Major version: (latest v0.x.x release)

See the GitHub releases page for available versions.


Record the docker run command you use to launch CodeGate. It will be a handy reference when you upgrade CodeGate in the future or if you need to modify your configuration.


CodeGate listens on several network ports:

Default host portContainer port (internal)Purpose
90909090CodeGate web dashboard
89898989CodeGate API
89908990Secure HTTP proxy (GitHub Copilot integration)

Docker publishes ports to all network interfaces on your system by default. This can unintentionally expose your CodeGate installation to other systems on the same network. To restrict this, add IP to the publish flags:

  • API: -p
  • HTTPS proxy: -p
  • Dashboard: -p

All of the commands in these docs assume the default ports. To use different listening ports, modify the -p flag(s):

  • API: -p YOUR_PORT:8989
  • HTTPS proxy: -p YOUR_PORT:8990
  • Dashboard: -p YOUR_PORT:9090

If you change the web dashboard port, some links returned by CodeGate's responses won't work without manually updating the URL that opens in your browser.

View logs

Use the docker logs command to view recent log messages:

docker logs codegate

Or to follow the log stream live (useful for troubleshooting), add the -follow flag:

docker logs --follow codegate

Upgrade CodeGate

To upgrade CodeGate to the latest version, start by reviewing the Changelog for new features and breaking changes.

Download the latest image:

docker pull

Stop and remove the current container:

docker rm --force codegate

Finally, launch the new version using the same docker run command you used originally.

Manage the CodeGate container

Use standard docker/podman commands to manage the CodeGate container and persistent volume.

Next steps

Now that CodeGate is running, proceed to configure your AI assistant/agent.

Remove CodeGate

If you decide to stop using CodeGate, follow the removal steps for your integration, then stop and remove the CodeGate container and volume:

docker rm -f codegate
docker volume rm codegate_volume